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Dental Bridges
Dental Bridges

Dental Bridge in Turkey

Several dental issues can cause teeth to be crooked, chipped, broken or even missing. In such cases, the issue can be fixed with dental bridgework. Dental bridges are a type of orthodontic device that consists of two or more artificial teeth that have been joined or connected in some way. The dental bridge is fixed in the mouth by using adjacent teeth on both sides of the affected area as an anchor or by installing them on special implants that are installed in the gums.

Presently, a dental bridge is one of the most popular types of dental restoration techniques. Here, we will be covering the basics of dental bridges, the material used, the entire procedure and how much it costs to get one.

Dental bridge installation?

Professionals and experienced orthodontists carry out dental bridge installation. The procedure involves the use of advanced and exceptional orthodontic materials to help patients get perfect teeth.

Signs that you need dental bridges?

The following are indications for utilising dental bridges

  1. There is a minor or moderate problem in the inside row and front area of the patient’s tooth where up to 4 teeth are affected
  2. There is an absence of one molar in the area for chewing

Note that the patient is supposed to have healthy teeth on either side of the affected area and in the other parts of the mouth. If this is not the case, the patient will have to go through a dental implantation process before the installation of the dental bridge

What are the contraindications for the use of dental bridges?

The contraindications for the use of dental bridges are as follows

  • A severe case of periodontosis
  • Bruxism
  • Occlusion pathologies
  • Pathologic tooth attrition
  • Absence of two or more molars, absence of more than one premolar or the absence of more than two teeth in the front area
  • Serious inflammation of the throat or oral cavity
  • Periodontitis
  • Osteoporosis or other diseases of the tissue of the jaw bone

What are the stages of installing dental bridges?

  • The installation begins with an examination of the oral cavity. Here the dentist looks closely at the teeth that will be masked by a dental crown. They are supposed to be healthy and able to take the weight of chewing.
  • If the examination proves otherwise, their pulps are removed by the dentist, and their canals filled. If needed, the teeth will be strengthened with inlays. On the other hand, if the retaining teeth are healthy enough for the procedure, removing the nerves would not be necessary.
  • If there is to be a metal-ceramic dental bridge, then the thick layer of enamel will be peeled off. If there is no metal bridge being installed, there will only be minimal peeling
  • An impression of the jaw will be taken and used to make moulds which are further sent to a laboratory
  • The dental bridge is then manufactured using the mould, which takes about a week or two. The amount of time depends on the material used and how complex the work is. While the patient waits, they will have to use a temporary prosthesis until the permanent one is ready
  • When the dental bridge is ready, it is then installed into the mouth, and necessary adjustments are made.

What are the material types that can be used in making dental bridges?

Different materials can be used to make dental bridges. They include metal-ceramics, metal, zirconium or ceramics. The selected material will depend on a couple of factors like price, durability, strength, and aesthetic appearance.

  1. Metal-ceramic: this material is strong, secure and reliable when used to make dental bridges. The material is a combination of ceramic construction upon a metal frame. They look natural when used and are of very good quality.
  2. Metal: although this material is no longer in use for dental bridges, they make very strong dental bridges and are affordable. Unfortunately, they lead to damage of the teeth that act as support, and they are not aesthetically pleasing.
  3. Plastic: This material produces light dental bridges that are economical and hypoallergenic. They can be ready in a short amount of time, which is one of the reasons why they are used temporarily, alongside their low durability.
  4. Zirconium: this material produces ceramic teeth upon a frame of zirconium dioxide. It is incredibly light; however, this does not affect its strength, as well as its looks. They do not exert much pressure on the support teeth, and they are biocompatible with the tissues in the human body.

Which is a better option between dental implants and dental bridges?

Teeth restoration through dental bridges has been a common procedure for over three decades. This has made it a better and easier choice for patients. Although the dental bridge is an excellent alternative to dental implantation, it is not a better choice than it.

What are the advantages of dental bridges?

  • Dental bridges do not need surgery or need to be carried out through a surgical procedure. Furthermore, the recovery time is not long, and there is hardly any risk of the procedure going wrong
  • It takes a short time of about 2 to 4 weeks, while dental implantation takes a longer period, about 3 months or more.
  • Although there is a degree of discomfort after installation of a dental bridge, it only lasts for a couple of days, while discomfort for dental implantation lasts much longer and can last for weeks
  • A dental bridge is the only solution to a minor gap between adjacent teeth. In this case, dental implantation would not solve the problem

What are the advantages of dental implants?

  • When installed, dental implants can last throughout one’s life. On the other hand, the dental bridge can only last for a given period, after which it has to be replaced. The life span of the dental bridge depends on the material that is used for its production.
  • There is no need to remove the pulp when a dental implant is carried out
  • Dental implants help to get rid of issues that are related to the atrophy of bone tissue as they help to load the bone. On the other hand, dental bridges lead to the damage of bone tissue.

What is the cost of installing dental bridges?

The exact price or cost of a dental bridge is dependent on several factors, one of them being the choice of material used for its production.

How can one take proper care of dental bridges?

Below are ways to take care of dental bridges after they have been installed

  • They should be cleaned twice daily by brushing
  • When cleaning, special attention should be paid to the internal surface as it is in close contact with the interdental spaces and the gums. You can do this with a toothbrush or a dental floss
  • The toothbrush should be held at a 45-degree angle when brushing, and the teeth should be brushed with sweeping movement to eliminate plaque and food particles
  • You can use a toothbrush that has one row of bristles or a string of dental floss with some toothpaste to clean your mouth
  • Use a mouthwash after cleaning and brushing

When cleaning the dental bridge, you must ensure that all corners and crevices are cleaned effectively. You can contact Dental Practice Turkey on 020 3475 8235 or send us a WhatsApp message at 905545814094 to book an appointment for your dental bridge consultation.

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